Guía Definitiva: Cómo Aplicar Perfumes De Manera Correcta

Definitive Guide: How to Apply Perfumes Correctly


If you are a lover of perfumes, surely you have wondered what is the correct way to apply them to get the most out of their fragrances. In this guide, we'll provide you with pro tips to make your perfume last longer and make you feel amazing all day long. Join us and discover how to apply perfumes correctly!

  1. Choose the right moment:

Before applying your perfume, it is important to choose the right moment. Ideally, do it right after showering, when your skin is clean and still slightly damp. Also, avoid applying it on clothing, as it could stain it.  

  1. Apply on pulse points:

Pulse points are areas where the skin is warmest, helping to spread the fragrance more effectively. Some of the common pulse points are the wrists, behind the ears, on the neck, and in the elbow area. Apply a small amount to these points for best results.

press points

  1. Do not rub the perfume:

Although it can be tempting to rub your perfume in after applying it, this can alter the composition of the fragrance and cause it to fade more quickly. Instead, just let it dry naturally.

  1. Control the amount:

Remember that less is more when it comes to applying perfume. Avoid overdoing it, as too strong a scent can be overpowering. A few sprays or drops are enough to achieve a pleasant and long-lasting effect.

  1. Stores correctly:

To maintain the quality of your perfume, it is important to store it correctly. Keep it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperature changes. Also, be sure to close the lid tightly to prevent premature evaporation.

perfume store


Q: Should I apply perfume to my hair? A: It is not recommended to apply perfume directly to the hair, as it can dry out the hair. Instead, spritz a little perfume on your brush and gently comb through for a subtle fragrance.

Q: How long does the perfume last on the skin? A: The duration of the perfume can vary depending on the fragrance and the quality of the product. In general, you can expect it to last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, but some high-quality perfumes can last even longer.

Q: Can I combine different perfumes? A: Yes, you can combine different perfumes to create your own unique fragrance. However, make sure you choose perfumes that are compatible and complement each other.


Applying perfume correctly is essential to fully enjoy its aromas and make them last longer on your skin. Follow these tips that we have provided and experience the pleasure of wearing a fragrance that reflects your personality. Remember to choose the right moment, apply to the pulse points, avoid rubbing the perfume and control the amount. Enjoy a unique and special scented experience

Follow these tips that we have provided and experience the pleasure of wearing a fragrance that reflects your personality. Remember to choose the right moment, apply to the pulse points, avoid rubbing the perfume and control the amount. Enjoy a unique and special scented experience!

If you follow these simple steps, you will make your perfume last longer and accompany you throughout the day. Remember that each fragrance is unique and personal, so experiment with different perfumes until you find the one that best suits your style and personality.


The proper application of perfume is essential to fully enjoy its benefits and fragrances. Follow these tips to make sure your favorite perfume lasts longer on your skin and makes you feel amazing. Remember to choose the right moment, apply to the pulse points, avoid rubbing the perfume and control the amount. Now you are ready to apply perfume correctly and enjoy its wonderful aromatic notes! In addition to the tips mentioned above, we want to answer some frequently asked questions related to perfume application:

Q: What is the difference between perfume, eau de cologne and eau de parfum? A: The difference lies in the concentration of fragrance oils. Perfume has the highest concentration, followed by eau de parfum and lastly eau de cologne. This affects the intensity and duration of the fragrance on the skin.

Q: Should I apply perfume to clothes? A: It is not recommended to apply perfume directly to clothing, as it could leave stains and alter the fabrics. It is best to apply it directly to the skin so that it blends with the natural oils and creates a unique fragrance.

Q: Can I apply perfume all over the body? A: While it's common to apply perfume to pulse points, such as the wrists and neck, you can also apply it to other parts of the body, such as behind the knees or on the décolleté. Always remember to do it in moderation to avoid overpowering the fragrance.

Q: How can I make my perfume last longer? A: In addition to applying it to your pulse points, you can help your perfume last longer by moisturizing your skin well before applying it. Apply a neutral or fragrance-free cream to the areas where you are going to spray the perfume so that it adheres better.

In short, applying perfume correctly involves choosing the right moment, applying to pulse points, controlling the amount, and avoiding rubbing the fragrance in. Follow these tips and enjoy the full aromatic experience that perfumes can offer. Feel safe and leave a scented trail in your wake!

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